We've cracked the code to make learning and development not only accessible and effective but, most importantly, FUN for your child. We've got a fantastic selection of games designed for kids aged 4 and above. WonderTree’s clinically built games are based on input from parents, educators and professionals! Designed to engage, excite, and empower your little one, these games cater to every child, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the wonders of WonderGames.
Discover how WonderTree's engaging therapy games support children with ADHD! These games are designed to help improve skills such as focus, memory retention, impulse control, attention span, cognitive flexibility, task switching, and problem-solving. Using visual and auditory stimuli, they make therapy enjoyable and effective.
Press play on these ADHD therapy games if your child wants to improve the following skills:
Explore WonderTree's interactive therapy games tailored for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)! These games encourage active participation and responsiveness, enhancing skills like action-reaction, hand-eye coordination, spatial and body awareness. Personalized virtual environments help improve communication, creativity, rule-following, and joint attention, crucial for daily living skills.
Press play on these ASD therapy games if your child wants to improve the following skills:
Support your child with Down Syndrome through WonderTree's engaging therapy games! These games focus on improving fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, balance, and cognitive abilities. They also enhance language acquisition, speech clarity, attention, and memory, providing comprehensive developmental support.
Press play on these Down Syndrome therapy games if your child wants to improve the following skills:
Enhance therapy for children with CP through WonderTree's interactive games! These games complement in-clinic therapy by developing gross and fine motor skills through customizable challenges. They enhance range of motion, bilateral coordination, upper body strength, precision, motor control, and cognitive abilities, designed for accessibility and effectiveness.
Press play on these CP therapy games if your child wants to improve the following skills:
Empower children with DCD through WonderTree's specialized therapy games! These games offer structured challenges to improve movement planning, coordination, balance, and postural regulation. Activities like jumping, throwing, catching, and object manipulation engage children effectively to enhance their physical abilities.
Press play on these DCD therapy games if your child wants to improve the following skills:
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